Dbmier LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad Light Box Light Board Light Table- A4

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Dbmier LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad Light Box Light Board Light Table- A4



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Why my files again be on virus wordpress template file .php

Thank you for patience and cooperating with us. Let us clarify that hackers are using "write" permissions opened on the web server for overwriting hosted data. It is not secure to have permission for the folders set to 777 or 775 as it allows everybody to do everything to this file. Having files/folders with such permissions anyone can write to it. This means a security hole since everybody on the server can overwrite these files or can write, remove or overwrite files in the directories.
(777 is a read permissions for owner, group and others; write permissions for owner, group and others; execute permissions for owner, group and others;). You should check all files/folders found in your account and set permissions for folders chmod 755, files 644.
Please, review listed files/folders in a ./permissions.list file created under the FTP directory. Please, fix permissions a soon as possible to block this hole in security.
We suggest you to look into this problem deeper, to learn more about what you can do to protect yourself in the future, or how your site may have been compromised in the first place, please follow these links:
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Technical support
Shenzhen Universiade

posted on 2009-09-23 08:51 haix 阅读(1054) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 网摘 所属分类: PHP

Dbmier LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad Light Box Light Board Light Table- A4